Sunday, March 2, 2014

VENICE: Spring Break 2014


Hello there!

My name is Jinsol Lee. I am a sophomore studying Electrical Engineering at Purdue University. I am from South Korea, and one of the things that excite me is to learn about different cultures and experience diverse perspectives of life. Traveling has been a part of my life with my adventurous parents who always wanted to show me the world, and I was fortunate to visit a few countries around the world and appreciate the rich cultures.

I always dream of traveling everywhere in the world, and thankfully, Purdue offers various opportunities for students to study abroad. I was lucky enough to visit the Netherlands over the spring break of my freshman year and discuss how the Netherlands deals with the issues related to diversity and supports the integration of immigrant cultures into the nation.

This spring break, I will be visiting Venice, Italy through a different study abroad program in order to learn about the history, politics, art, and culture of Venice . This blog will be a medium for me to share my thoughts throughout the trip, so stay tuned! :)

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